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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Advice For Starting Highschool

Hey readers! xD

Ok so I recently just started my first year of highschool.
At first I thought I would be really nervous, but I walked through the door and felt exactly the same as I would any other day the year before.
In highschool, it's different from elementary school, so today I'm going to share with you some tips for highschool.
I go to a public, non-mini, 8 to 12 school, so if you go to a private or mini school the results might change.

   1) Friends: In elementary school, you have your best friends, your crushes and your enemies. You might have some perfect fantasy that you and your BFF will always be best buds but, in highschool, some friends drift away and some stay close. You will probably make lots of new friends, but remember, if you can then it's always good to keep your old friends close  :)
   When I first started highschool, my best friend and I were super tight. She went to my school a couple years ago but before she finished elementary school, she went to a new school, so we didn't get to see eachother very often. She helped me make new friends, because she had lots of friends from her other school. When we started highschool, we would hang out every day, and because of that, I started to hang out less and less with my other friends. Well one day, we got into a fight, I'm not even sure about what, and we haven't talked since. That incident made me realize how I was losing close friends because I never hung out with them anymore. I've started hanging out with different people every day now, and now I have lots more friends :).

Things to remember:

- Keep old friends, but make new ones to
- Variety: Try hanging out with different people everyday. It won't only improve your social skills, but also none of your friends will feel neglected.
- Ditch the bad friends; sometimes you have friends that you realize are bad influences, or bullies. Don't stick around just to spare their feelings. They're bad for your health and your self esteem.

   2) Homework: You probably already know that in highschool, you should be expecting a heavier workload than you had in elementary school. Well, I knew that but I still wasnt prepared for what I was dealt. At the beginning of the year I had so much homework that  I barely had time for anything else. I was doing homework all the time and I had lost my social life. I had assumed that, since we were new, the teachers would go easy on us with the homework and that we would get more homework after we had been in school for a couple months. Wrong. In fact, almost the opposite. In the first month of school, there was tons of homework. Now, a couple months in, way less. Here are some tips to help you keep your assignments in order:

- Keep an AGENDA. In elementary school, I did not write in my agenda, but trust me, in highschool, it's a must! Every day near the end of class, take out your agenda and write down all your homework.
- Dates: Write down when your tests are and when your projects are due. If you write down the due dates of your assignments, then it'll help you turn them in on time.
- Study/Work Habits: Make sure you develop a good study technique. Study every day starting atleast 2 or 3 days in advance. Write down a list of what you need to know for your test and study a different part every day. Don't wait until the last minute to do your homework. If you leave it till the last minute, you might be stressed or feel rushed to finsh. Work done in a rush is never as good as work done on time ;)
-Make sure you take notes in class. What if you get a popquiz?

   3) Fears: Ok so lot's of teens going into highschool are thinking of all the bad things that could happen. For example: What if the older kids pick on me? What if i get shoved into a locker? What if I get a teacher that I hate? Well, let's answer these one by one.

a. What if the older kids pick on me?
Ok, I can almost guarantee you that the older grades will NOT pick on you. They realize that you are new and are actually extremely helpful!

b. What if i get shoved into a locker?
I have never seen anyone get shoved into a locker. Ever. I have seen people shove themselves in lockers but never the opposite. Most of the lockers at my school are about 9 inches wide and not tall enough to fit a person inside unless they're super tiny!

c. What if I get a teacher that I hate?
Sad truth: Everyone will have at least one teacher that they don't like. The good news is that you only have to be with them for about 75 minutes (1 period/block)! If you really, REALLY can't stand them, you can always request to be transfered. The guidance counselor can switch to of your classes around.

   4) Bullying: Ok, so I realize this is a strong topic with lots of teens. Basically, all I have to say is GET HELP. Tell a friend or and adult you trust, or call KidsHelpPhone>> 1-800-668-6868. It can be scary to tell someone you are being bullied, but it will make a huge difference!

- Tell someone you trust
- Do NOT fight back. That would turn you into the bully. (unless they're trying to beat you senseless, then fighting back is okay but only as self defense)

Please spread awareness about bullying. STPOL Spread The Power Of Love.

Well that's all I have to say for today. If you have any questions oor topics you would like me to cover then leave a comment below :) and I will try to get back to you asap!
Let me know if you liked it and I'll write again soon!

Lena <3 xD

PS Sorry if there are spelling errors, let me know and I'll fix it asap :P

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